New Website Layout
Posted On: September 01, 2020

The things you get up to during lock down! Well, when I realised just how long we had been using the old web site design (2017) I thought that it could do with a refresh.

So, as a result, I started working on a completely new look. It is a lot more modern and clean looking. It has taken me a couple of months working on and off with it and I hope you like it. Scroll down the home page for a lot more content. There is also a lot more content via the menus at the top of the page. I will be adding more photographs that were on the old site over the coming period. 

The above picture is a screen shot of the first section you see.

Please feel free to look around and try things out. If it breaks or you have an idea to add something else or even just to let me know what you think of the new design, then please use the “Contact Us” page to send me a message and I will look into it. Any feedback will be much appreciated. I still have access to the old website although it is not available to the general public.

The layout should work on mobile phones and tablets, although I am still working on that aspect of it, so please be patient with me!

If you are seeing this on facebook then please like and share. Thanks.


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