Some dates for your diary
Posted On: January 24, 2023

Some dates for your diary. It may have been a slow start to the year for the choir, but things are picking up nicely. We have 3 concerts booked for the coming weeks. They are:

Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at the Renfrew North Church in Renfrew. It is in the afternoon from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm and is an afternoon tea meeting by the “Forget-Me-Not Cafe” for people with dementia. The format will be a short concert by the choir followed by a break and then the choir will lead a good old fashioned ‘sing-along’ which we are sure will be enjoyed by all. If you would like to come along and enjoy the afternoon then please do so, you do not have to have dementia to attend, I’m sure.

On Friday 10th March 2023 we have a full concert starting at 7.30 pm at the Strathblane Parish Church, Campsie Rd, Glen Road, Strathblane, Glasgow G63 9AA.

This is followed on Friday 24th March 2023 at 7.30 pm with a joint concert between the Clydebank Male Voice Choir and the Renfrew Ladies Choir and will be held in St. Pauls Church, 25 Quarrelton Rd, Johnstone PA5 8NH. This concert will also take the place of our Annual Concert for this year. So make sure not to miss it. Ticket details etc. will be advised in due course. 

Can I just mention that if you are a social organiser for your church or social organisation looking for a fund raising event and would like to arrange a concert by the choir then please do not hesitate to contact us via our web site. If you click on this link you will be taken to the appropriate page on our web site. Remember we have plenty of spaces, at the moment, for concerts in the next session of September to December 2023 or January to April 2024. It is never too early to book a concert and it will guarantee that you should be able to get the dates you want. 

We also have sung at weddings, business lunches and other events as well as providing afternoon entertainment for many care homes in the West of Scotland. 

Finally, if you are reading this via Facebook or Twitter, can we ask you to like and share this post so we can reach as large an audience as possible. Thank you.  


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