It is with regret that we have to announce the passing of another former Choir member. Jim Aitken passed away last week aged 93.
The funeral will take place at St. Patrick’s Church, Strathleven Place, Dumbarton, G82 1BA, on Wednesday 18th December, 2024 at 10.00 am. The Choir has been asked if we will be able to sing at the funeral and we hope to be able to comply with this request. For those members that do attend it will be full uniform.
Jim joined the Bass section of the choir in 1996 and in 2021 celebrated his 25 years with the Choir. It was also his 90th birthday when the photo below was taken with Jim along side Tom McRae, our President at the time. In fact he only left the Choir last year so you could say he was a very dedicated member of the Choir.
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